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Patio Season – Spring Cleaning

Updated: Apr 30, 2024

Knock on wood, but winter seems to have melted into spring… FINALLY!  With the warmer weather comes spring cleanup and of course patio season.  If you have purchased Recycled Patio furniture from Fine Oak Things or one of our dealers, we have some advice for you on how to safely clean and prepare your furniture for your enjoyment.

First, remove any large debris such as sticks, branches, and leaves by hand.  Next use the sprayer setting on your garden hose to wash away as much of the winter dirt and grime as possible.  For some of you, that may be the extent of your cleaning as Recycled Patio is specifically designed with smooth surfaces (unlike competitors’ products) so that dirt doesn’t get lodged in surface crevices.  If that doesn’t get everything out, use one of the following approved cleaners with a brush or rag:  CLR, Simple Green, Grease Lightning or Crust Buster.  Other cleaners will likely do the job as well, but these four have been tested and will not affect the poly material or colour.  These cleaners have been tested on Recycled Patio furniture and we will not be held liable for for any damage caused by using these cleaners on a competitor’s  product.

Some people prefer to use a pressure washer to clean their furniture instead of a garden hose.  We do not recommend it because the extra power is not needed for our furniture.  However, if you insist on using a pressure washer, use a maximum of 1,200 PSI and hold the nozzle a minimum of 12″ from the surface being sprayed.  Any closer and/or a higher PSI could damage the surface of the material.  If damaged, the surface will appear frayed and the poly will appear to have whiskers.  This method for pressure washing has been tested on Recycled Patio furniture.  We will not be held liable for for any damage caused by using the same method of pressure washing on a competitor’s  product.

We wish everyone a safe and happy patio season!


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